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1. University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters; The "Goldstein Goren" Center for Hebrew Studies
Studia Hebraica / University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters, The "Goldstein Goren" Center for Hebrew Studies; editor: Dr. Felicia Waldman
Universitatea din Bucuresti, 2001-2004;2006, Bucuresti , (periodic) cca 208 p., ISSN 1582-8158
Topics (ro): istoriografie evreiasca; muzica evreiasca; religie - iudaism; iudaism - civilizatie europeana - interferente; evrei - identitate; lingvistica - ebraica; studii ebraice; arta; istorie - evrei; istorie - evrei - Holocaust - România
Topics (en): Jewish historiography; Jewish music; religion - Judaism; Judaism - European civiliziation - interferences; Jews, the - identity; linguistics - Hebrew language, the; Jewish studies; fine arts; history - Jews, the; history - the Jews - Holocaust - Romania
Position: Periodic UDC: 930.85(=411.16)