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1. Bridgman, Nanie
La vie musicale au quattrocento et jusqu'à la naissance du madrigal (1400-1530)/ par Nanie Bridgman
Éditions Gallimard, 1964, Paris , (carte) 294p.
Topics (ro): istoria muzicii - viata muzicala - viata sociala - Italia - sec.XV; muzicieni - educatie muzicala; umanism si muzica; muzica - limbaj; forme muzicale; muzica - interpreti - instrumente muzicale; madrigal - istorie - 1400-1530
Topics (en): history of music - musical life - social life - Italy - 15th c.; musicians - musical education; humanism and music; music - language; musical forms; music - performers - musical instruments; madrigal - history - 1400-1530
Position: VI/B-19 UDC: 78(450)"1400/1530"
Series: Pour la musique/ Collection dirigée par Roland-Manuel