New Europe College

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1. Bartók, Béla
String Quartets Nos. 1-6 / Béla Bartók
EMI, 1987, Japonia , (CD-album)
Topics (ro): Cvartetele numerele 1-6, muzică de cameră, muzică instrumentală, muzică de secol XX
Topics (en): String Quartets Nos. 1-6, chamber music, instrumental music, XX th century music
Position: VI/M-2765/66/67 UDC: 785.74

2. Granet, Marcel [ sociolog, etnolog, sinolog francez; 1884-1940]
La pensée chinoise/ par Marcel Granet
Éditions Albin Michel, 1950, Paris , (carte) xxiii, 614p.
Topics (ro): filosofie chineza - istoria filosofiei chineze; mentalitate chineza - psihologie comparata; limba si scrierea; Yin si Yang; numerele; Tao; sistemul lumii - macrocosm - microcosm - eticheta; secte si scoli
Topics (en): Chinese philosophy - the history of Chinese philosophy; Chinese mentality - comparative psychology; language and writing; Yin and Yang; numbers; Tao; world system - macrocosm - microcosm - etiquette; sects and schools
Position: MT/A-549 UDC: 1(51)(09)
Series: L'Évolution de l'humanité; 25bis