New Europe College

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Found books: 1 - 3 (total 3 t: a: ).

1. *
The Tibetan Book of the Great Liberation or The Method of Realizing Nirvana trough Knowing the Mind/ Introduction, Annotations and Editing by W.Y. Evans-Wentz; with Psychological Commentary by C.G. Jung
Oxford University Press, 1974, London; Oxford; New York , (carte) xliv, 263p., ISBN 0-19-500293-8
Topics (ro): religie tibetana - nirvana; budism - Tibet; guru - Padma-Sambhava; yoga - sinele - autoeliberare; guru Phadampa Sangay
Topics (en): Tibetan religion - Nirvana/ Nirwana; Buddhism - Tibet; guru - Padma-Sambhava; yoga - the self - self-liberation; guru Phadampa Sangay
Position: AS/D-101 UDC: 294.3(235.242)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Le livre tibétain de la grande liberation ou la method pour realizer le Nirvana par la connaissance de l'esprit: precede d'un exposé biographique de Padma Sambhava et suivi de l'Enseignement du Guru Phadampa Saangay [...]/ Introductions, Annotations et Edition par W. Y. Evans-Wents; Avec des Commentaires psychologiques du C. G. Jung
Éditions Adyar, 1972, Paris , (carte) 320p.
Topics (ro): religie tibetana - nirvana; budism - Tibet; guru - Padma-Sambhava; yoga - sinele - autoeliberare; guru Phadampa Sangay
Topics (en): Tibetan religion - Nirvana/ Nirwana; Buddhism - Tibet; guru - Padma-Sambhava; yoga - the self - self-liberation; guru Phadampa Sangay
Position: MT/B-477 UDC: 294.3(235.242)

3. Lama Anagarika Gowinda [ Anangavajra Khamsum-Wangchuk, nascut Ernst Lothar Hoffman, fondatorul ordinului Arya Maitreya Mandala si promotor al buddhismului tibetan, abhidharma, 1898-1985]
Les fondements de la mystique tibétaine: d'après les enseignements du grand Mantra OM MANI PADME HUM/ Lama Anagarika Govinda; traduction sous la direction de l'auteur par Charles Andrieu
Albin Michel, 1976, Paris , (carte) 440, [6]p., ISBN 2-226-00-260-X
Topics (ro): mistica tibetana; budism tibetan; lamaism; calea unificarii; calea integrarii; mantra; padma; calea universalitatii; calea actiunii
Topics (en): Tibetan mysticism; Tibetan Buddhism; Lamaism; path of unification; path of integration; mantra; Padma; path of universality; parh of action
Position: MT/B-494 UDC: 294.3(235.242)
Series: Spiritualités vivantes. Série Bouddhisme; 21
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC