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1. *
Die nicht mehr schönen Künste: Grenzphänomene des Ästhetischen / Herausgegeben von H. R. Jauß
Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1991, München , (carte) 736 p., ISBN 3-7705-0236-1
Topics (ro): poetica - pasiuni - poezie, sec. XVII; poetica - opera, clasicii latini - canon; poetica - opera, clasicii greci - canon; teorie literara - sec. XVIII; estetica - poezie romantica
Topics (en): poetics - passions - poetry - 17th c.; poetics - Latin classics, work - canon; poetics - Greek classics, work - canon; literary theory - 18th century; aesthetics - romantic poetry
Position: T.2-P.u.H. (3) UDC: 82.0
Series: Poetik und Hermeneutik; 3
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Angoulvent, Anne-Laure
L'esprit baroque/ Anne-Laure Angoulvent
Presses Universitaires de France, 1994, Paris , (carte) 128p., ISBN 2-13-046528-5
Topics (ro): arta - stil baroc; fenomenologie baroca; stat baroc - spirit baroc - pasiuni - violenta
Topics (en): fine arts - Baroque style; Baroque phenomenology; baroque state - baroque spirit - passions - violence
Position: AS/J-107 UDC: 7.034.7
Series: Que sais-je? Le point des connaissances actuelles; No.2901
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. Bright, Timothy [ scris si Thimotie, 1551?-1615]
Traité de la mélancholie (1586)/ Timothy Bright; Texte traduit de l'anglais et présenté par Eliane Cuvelier
Jérôme Millon, 1996, Grenoble , (carte) 277p., ISBN 2-84137-033-X
Topics (ro): psihologie - melancolie; sensurile melancoliei, cauzele melancoliei; hrana si melancolie; melancolie si pasiuni; melancolie si virsta; lacrimile - plinsul - suspinele; timiditatea; tratamentul melancoliei
Topics (en): Psychology - melancholy; sense of melancholy, causes of melancholy; food and melancholy; melancholy and passions; melancholy and age; tears - weeping - sighs; shyness; melancholy treatment
Position: MT/A-3730 UDC: 159.9
Series: Mémoires du corps
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Brucar, I.
Filosofia lui Spinoza/ I. Brucar
Societatea Româna de Filosofie, 1930, Bucuresti , (carte) 184p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - sec.XVII - Spinoza; etica - Spinoza; crestinism - Spinoza; Dumnezeu; discernamint; pasiune; constiinta individuala - lege; determinism; pacat originar; teoria pasiunilor; corp si suflet; eternitatea sufletului; cunoastere - mistica - intuitie
Topics (en): philosophy - 17th century - Spinoza; ethics - Spinoza; Christianity / Christianism - Spinoza; God; discernment; passion; individual conscience - law; determinism; originar sin; theory of passions; body and soul; eternity of the soul; knowledge - mystic -
Position: CP-60 UDC: 1416Spinoza

5. Flüeler, Christoph; Rohde, Martin [Eds.]; Grebe, Sabine; Vecchio, Silvana; Boerner, Bruno; Newhauser, Richard; Schweitzer, Franz-Joseph; Schäfer, Christian; Uhl, Karl; Wolf, Klaus; Benfell, Stan
Laster im Mittelalter = Vices in the Middle Ages/ Herausgegeben von = Edited by Christoph Flüeler, Martin Rohde
Walter de Gruyter, 2009, Berlin; New York , (carte) 235p., ISBN 978-3-11-020274-8, ISSN 1422-4445
Topics (ro): Toma de Aquino - doctrina viciilor; antropologie medievale - vicii capitale; pasiuni ale sufletului - pacate capitale; etica - vicii - Evul Mediu; Dante - avaritie - justitie - saracie
Topics (en): Thomas Aquinas - doctrine of vices; medieval anthropology - capital vices; passions of the soul - capital sins; ethics - vices - Middle Ages; Dante - avarice - justice - poverty
Position: H.142-FLU UDC: 16
Series: Scrinium Friburgense; 23
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Foulquié, Paul (1893-1983)
Psychologie/ Paul Foulquié
Les Éditions de l'École, 1952, Paris , (carte) 340p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - conditii organice - obiect - metode - tendinte; automatisme; constiinta; viata afectiva; emotii; pasiuni; sentimente; perceptie; memorie; judecata; gindire si limbaj; vointa; personalitate - caracter
Topics (en): Psychology - organic conditions - object - methods - trends; automatism; conscience; emotional life; emotions; passions; feelings; perception; memory; judgment; thought and language; will; personality - character
Position: MT/A-3680 UDC: 159.9

7. Galien, [ Galen, 123-199 e.n., medic si filosof grec]
L'Âme et ses passions: Les passions et les erreurs de l'âme; les facultés de l'âme suivent les tempéraments du corps / Galien; introduction, traduction et notes par Vincent Barras, Terpsichore Birchler, Anne-France Morand; préface de Jean Starobinski
Les Belles Lettres, 1995, Paris , (carte) LVIII, 162 p., ISBN 2-251-33926-4
Topics (ro): pasiunile sufletului - Galen, 129-199, medic grec; medicina antica - Galen - Grecia; corp - temperament; erorile sufletului - tratament; medicina practica - filosofie
Topics (en): passions of the soul - Galen, 129-199, Greek physician; ancient medicine - Galen - Greek; body - temperament; soul errors - treatment; practical medicine - philosophy
Position: B.12-GAL UDC: 128:61
Series: La Roue à Livres
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. Hume, David [1711-1776]
Traité de la nature humaine: Essai pour introduire la méthode expérimentale dans les sujets moraux, Tome II: [ Les Passions; La Morale]/ Hume; Traduction, préface et notes de André Leroy
Aubier - Éditions Montaigne, 1973, Paris , (carte) pp. 369-766
Topics (ro): filosofie moderna - Hume, David - Scotia - sec. XVIII; natura umana - pasiunile - morala
Topics (en): modern philosophy - Hume, David - Scotland - 18th c.; human nature - passions - morality
Position: MT/A-1909 UDC: 14*Hume, David: 17
Series: Bibliothèque Philosophique

9. Hume, David [1711-1776]
Abrégé du Traité de la nature humaine/David Hume; Texte original avec presentation, traduction et notes par Didier Deleule
Aubier - Montaigne, 1971, Paris , (carte) 128p.
Topics (ro): filosofie moderna - Hume, David - Scotia - sec. XVIII; natura umana - idei - abstractiune - cunoastere si probabilitate; natura umana - pasiunile - morala
Topics (en): modern philosophy - Hume, David - Scotland - 18th c.; human nature - ideas - abstraction - knowledge and probability; human nature - passions - morality
Position: MT/A-1914 UDC: 14*Hume, David
Series: La philosophie en poche

10. Korichi, Mériam [Ed.]
Les passions / introduction, choix de textes, commentaires, vade-mecum et bibliographie par Mériam Korichi
Flammarion, 2000, Paris , (carte) 255p., ISBN 9782080730534
Topics (ro): filosofie - etica - pasiuni; filosofie - sentimente - emotii
Topics (en): philosophy - ethics - passions; philosophy - feelings - emotions
Position: MT/A-180 UDC: 1
Series: GF Corpus
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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