New Europe College

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1. *
East Central Europe = L'Europe du Centre-Est: Eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift: international journal of the social sciences and humanities with a focus on the region "between the Baltic and the Adriatic"; published one volume annually/ Editor-in-Chief and Publisher: Charles Schlacks, Jr.
Charles Schlacks, Jr., Publisher, 1993-2004, Los Angeles, CA , (periodic) 120 p., ISSN 0094-3037
Topics (ro): societate civila; psihanaliza; pauperitate; Europa de est; nationalism - constiinta nationala - istorie; Europa Centrala; politica; feminism; tranzitie
Topics (en): civil society; psychoanalysis; pauperism; Eastern Europe; nationalism - national conscience - history; Central Europe; politics; feminism; transition
Position: periodic UDC: 940+930.85(4)+32(4)+82(4)

2. Vos van Steenwijk, Alwine de; Wresinski, Joseph
Pologne... que deviennent tes Sous-Prolétaires?/ Alwine de Vos van Steenwijk, Joseph Wresinski
Éditions Science et Service, 1981, Pierrelaye , (carte) 396p.
Topics (ro): pauperitate - Polonia; istorie - Polonia - sec.XX - comunism; sub-proletariat polonez - pauperitate
Topics (en): pauperity - Poland; history - Poland - 20th c. - communism; Polish under-proletarians - pauperity
Position: H.011o-VOS UDC: 316(438)"19"; 94(438)"19"