New Europe College

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1. Bejan, Petru
Istoria semnului in patristica si scolastica / Petru Bejan
Editura Fundatiei "Axis", 1999, Iasi , (carte) 286 p., ISBN 973-98600-3-6
Topics (ro): inteleptul; initiatul; Profetul; providenta; credinta; umanism; semiotica religioasa - filosofia limbajului; scolastica; filosofie religioasa - patristica; pedagogul; simturi - reprezentare epistemica; echivocuri semantice - semnul; limbaj - nominalism -
Topics (en): wise, the; initiated, the; Prophet, the; Providence; belief; humanism; religious semiotics - philosophy of language; scholasticism; religious philosophy - patristics; educator/ pedagogue; senses - epistemic reprezentation; semantic ambiguities - the sign;
Position: Va.2-BEJ UDC: 130.3
Series: Universitaria 9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Pujiula, Martin
Körper und christliche Lebensweise: Clemens von Alexandreia und sein Paidagogos/ von Martin Pujiula
Walter de Gruyter, 2006, Berlin, New York , (carte) xii, 420p., ISBN 3-11-018920-9, ISSN 1862-1139
Topics (ro): Clement din Alexandria - Pedagogul - pedagogie - morala crestina; corpul omenesc - mod de viata crestin; patristica - Clement din Alexandria; corpul omenesc - literatura pagina; corpul omenesc - literatura crestina
Topics (en): Clement of Alexandria - Paedagogus - pedagogy - Christian ethics; human body - Christian way of life; patristics - Clement of Alexandria; humna body - pagan literature; humna body - Christian literature
Position: G.1r2a-CLE-Puj UDC: 276:248
Series: Millennium-Studien zu Kultur und Geschichte des ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr.; Bd.9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC