New Europe College

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1. *
Istorii si ideologii: Filarmonica din Bucuresti (1868-2018): studii, interviuri, documente/ volum coordonat de Valentina Sandu-Dediu; autori: Valentina Sandu-Dediu, Elena Zottoviceanu, Cristina Sarbu, Ioana Marghita; colaboratori: Desiela Ion, Benedicta Pavel, Vlad Ghinea
Editura Universitatii Nationale de Muzica, 2023, Bucuresti , (carte) 633p: il., ISBN 978-606-659-148-5
Topics (ro): muzica- Romania - Filarmonica din Bucuresti - 1868-2018; muzica - Ateneul Roman - concerte - 1868-2018
Topics (en): music - Romania - Bucharest Philarmonic - 1868-2018; music - Romanian Atheneum - performances - 1868-2018
Position: Vuf-SAN UDC: 78(498)''1868-2018''
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
October: The Second Decade, 1986-1996 / edited by Rosalind Krauss, Annette Michelson, Yve-Alain Bois, Benjamin H. D. Buchloh, Hal Foster, Denis Hollier, Silvia Kolbowski
The MIT Press, 1997, Cambridge, MA - London , (carte) xii, 464 p., ISBN 0-262-11226-4
Topics (ro): arta si societate; cultura de masa; suprarealism; expresionism; arta conceptuala; estetica; arta spectacolului; cultura populara
Topics (en): art and society; mass culture; Surrealism; expressionism; conceptual art; aesthetics; performance art; popular culture
Position: U.02-KRA; IIAB UDC: 7.036
Series: An OCTOBER Book
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
City and Spectacle in Medieval Europe/ Barbara A. Hanawalt and Kathryn L. Reyerson, editors
University of Minnesota Press, 1994, Minneapolis, London , (carte) XX, 331p., ISBN 0-8166-2360-0
Topics (ro): civilizatie - ev mediu; spectacol - ev mediu - Europa; sarbatoare - Europa - istorie; ritual - ceremonial - Europa - istorie; cetati - orase - ev mediu
Topics (en): civilization - Middle Ages; performance - Middle Ages - Europe; holiday - Europe - history; ritual - ceremony - Europe - history; cities, walled - towns, fortified - Middle Ages
Position: H.0d-HAN UDC: 930.85"4/14"
Series: Medieval Studies at Minnesota; Vol.6
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
Performance and Transformation : New Approaches to Late Medieval Spirituality / edited by Mary A. Suydam and Joanna E. Ziegler
Macmillan, 1999, London , (carte) xxii, 362 p., ISBN 0-333-74913-8
Topics (ro): religie - Ev Mediu tirziu; istoria civilizatiei medievale; arta spectacolului - Ev Mediu tirziu; ritual si spectacol - Ev Mediu tirziu; limbaj mistic - predici - Ev Mediu tirziu
Topics (en): religion - Late Middle Ages; history of medieval civilization; performance art - Late Middle Ages; ritual and performance - Late Middle Ages; mystical language - sermons/ preachements - Late Middle Ages
Position: H.142-SUY UDC: 940.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Caiete critice: revista lunara de critica literara si informatie stiintifica/ editata de Casa de Presa si Editura Cultura Nationala în colab. cu Academia Româna, Ministerul Cercetarii si Tehnologiei si Uniunea Scriitorilor; [director: Eugen Simion]
Casa de Presa si Editura Cultura Nationala, 1994, Bucuresti , (periodic) , ISSN 1220-6350
Topics (ro): critica literara; stiinte si filosofie; arte si spectacol
Topics (en): literary criticism; sciences and philosophy; arts and performances
Position: periodic UDC: 82.09

6. *
Body and the East: From the 1960s to the Present = od sestdesetih let do danes/ Curator of the exhibition: Zdenka Badovinac
The MIT Press, 1998, Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England , (carte) 192p., ISBN 0-262-52264-0
Topics (ro): expozitie - arta contemporana - performance - corpul omenesc - Europa de Est - 1998; corpul omenesc - performance - arta contemporana - sec.XX
Topics (en): exhibition - contemporary art - performance - human body, the - Eastern Europe - 1998; human body, the - performance - contemporary art - 20th century, the
Position: U.31-BAD UDC: 7.061.4:7.041(4-11)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. *
The Artist's Body / [ Edited by] Tracey Warr; Survey by Amelia Jones
Phaidon Press Limited, 2003, London - New York , (carte) 304 p., ISBN 0-7148-3502-1
Topics (ro): arta contemporana - corpul uman - spectacol; teorie culturala - corpul uman - sec. XX; filosofie - corp - Bataille, Georges - Deleuze, Gilles - sec. XX; arta contemporana, corp, deghizari - pictura - fotografie - video - sec. XX
Topics (en): contemporary art - human body - performance; cultural theory - human body - 20th century; philosophy - body - Bataille, Georges - Deleuze, Gilles - 20th century; contemporary art - body, guises - painting - photography - video - 20th c
Position: U.172-JON UDC: 7.041"19"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. *
Religion and the Arts: A Journal from Boston College/ Editor: Dennis Taylor; Associate Editor: Jeffery Howe
Brill Academic Publishers, 2006; 2011, Leiden , (periodic) 330p., ISSN 1079-9265
Topics (ro): arhitectura - cultura - sculptura; hermeneutica - teologie; muzica - pictura - spectacol - fotografie; religie - credinta
Topics (en): architecture - culture - sculpture; hermeneutics - theology; music - painting - performance - photography; religion - belief
Position: periodic UDC: 72/77

9. *
AnnArt 6: Nemzetközi Performansz Napok = Zilele Internationale de Performance = International Performance Days/ org.: György Szücs, Adrian Guta
Fundatia de Arta Baasz, 1996, Sf. Gheorghe , (album) 24p.
Topics (ro): festival international de performance - Sf. Gheorghe - România - 1995; arta contemporana - performance
Topics (en): international performance festival - Sf. Gheorghe - Romania - 1995; contemporary art - performance
Position: Vu.3-ANN (6) UDC: 7.02performance

10. Albert, Jean-Pierre; Althabe, Gérard; Bromberger, Christian; Charuty, Giordana; Chiva, Isac; Fabre, Daniel; Fabre-Vassas, Claudine; Fine, Agnès; Gallini, Clara; Lenclud, Gérard; Rouot, Claude; Segalen, Martine; Vialles, Noëlie
Vers une ethnologie du present/ Sous la direction de Gérard Althabe, Daniel Fabre, Gérard Lenclud
Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 1995, Paris , (carte) XII, 260 p., ISBN 2-7351-0494-X, ISSN 0758-5888
Topics (ro): societate "exotica"; antropologie culturala; societate rurala; etnologie - Franta - sec.XX; etnologie - spectacol sportiv
Topics (en): exotic society; cultural anthropology; rural society; ethnology - France - 20th century, the; ethnology - sports meet, performance
Position: N-ALT UDC: 394
Series: Ethnologie de la France/ Mission du Patrimoine ethnologique; Cahier 7
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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