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1. *
Biblia 1688, I / Text stabilit si îngrijire editoriala de Vasile Arvinte si Ioan Caprosu; volum întocmit de Vasile Arvinte, Ioan Caprosu, Alexandru Gafton, Laura Manea
Editura Universitatii "Al. I. Cuza", 2001, Iasi , (carte) 540 + CXC p., ISBN 973-8243-33-5
Topics (ro): religie crestina - Biblia; Biblia lui Serban Cantacuzino, 1688 - prima editie a Bibliei in lb. româna - comentarii
Topics (en): Christian religion - Bible, the; Bible of Serban Cantacuzino, the - 1688 - Ist Romanian edition of the Bible - commentaries
Position: G.1r0-CAN (1) UDC: 22=135.1"1688"
Series: Carti Fundamentale ale Culturii Române
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Monumenta Linguae Dacoromanorum: Biblia 1688. Pars I: Genesis / Alexandru Andriescu, Vasile Arvinte, Ioan Caprosu ...
Univ. "Al. I. Cuza" Iasi si Albert-Ludwigs-Univ.-Freiburg, 1988, Iasi , (carte) 556 p.
Topics (ro): religie crestina - Biblia; Biblia lui Serban Cantacuzino, 1688 - prima editie a Bibliei in lb. româna - comentarii
Topics (en): Christian religion - Bible, the; Bible of Serban Cantacuzino, the - 1688 - Ist Romanian edition of the Bible - commentaries
Position: G.1r0-CAN (1); DS/O-28 UDC: 22=03

3. *
Nouvelle revue de psychanalyse, numéro 13, printemps 1976: Narcisses/ Direction: J.-B. Pontalis; Rédaction: Didier Anzieu, André Green, Jean Pouillon, etc.
Gallimard N.R.F., 1976, Paris , (carte) 318p.
Topics (ro): psihanaliza; narcisism - Plotin; sinele; identitate primara; narcisism patologic; idol - ideal; handicap fizic - prejudiciu - exceptie; Narcis - Oedip
Topics (en): psycho-analysis; narcissism, self-love - Plotinus; the self; primary identity; pathological narcissism; idol - ideal; physical handicap, physical hindrance - prejudice - exception; Narcis - Oedip
Position: AS/T-60 UDC: 159.9

4. *
La Bible d'Alexandrie. 9.1: Premier Livre des Règnes / traduction du texte grec de la Septante par Bernard Grillet et Michel Lestienne; introduction et notes par Michel Lestienne; avec la collaboration de Jean Massonnet et Anita Méasson
Éditions du Cerf, 1997, Paris , (carte) 458 p., ISBN 2-204-05545-X, ISSN 1243-1982
Topics (ro): Biblia din Alexandria - traducere adnotata; crestinism - Biblia greceasca - Septuaginta - Prima Carte a Regilor; exegeza biblica; religie crestina
Topics (en): Bible of Alexandria, the - translation, annotated; Christianity / Christianism - Greek Bible, the - Septuagint (LXX) - First Book of Kings, the; exegesis, Biblical; Christian religion
Position: G.1r0-ALE (9.1) UDC: 22=03=133.1
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Primacy and primacies in the Orthodox Church/ Veselin Kesich, John Meyendorff, Alexander Schmemann, Serge Verkhovskoy
St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary, 1960, New York City , (carte) 102p.
Topics (ro): crestinism - ortodoxie; Petru, sf. - primat - Biserica Ortodoxa
Topics (en): Christianity / Christianism - orthodoxy; St. Peter - primacy - Orthodox Church, the
Position: AS/G-546 UDC: 281.9
Series: St. Vladimir's Seminary Quarterly; Vol.4, Numb.2-3

6. *
London Review of Education / Institute of Education, University of London; Editor: David Halpin
Carfax Publishing - Taylor & Francis Group, 2003, London , (periodic) 154 p., ISSN 1474-8460
Topics (ro): stiintele educatiei - periodic; educatie - globalizare - cercetare comparata; Holocaust - educatie - scoala primara; performanta scolara - predare - invatamint
Topics (en): -
Position: Periodic UDC: 37(045)

7. *
Histoire anonyme de la première croisade / editée et traduite par Louis Bréhier
Librairie Ancienne Honoré Champion, 1924, Paris , (carte) XXXVI, 258p.
Topics (ro): istorie - Franta - Evul Mediu; Cruciade - Prima Cruciada - 1096/1099
Topics (en): history - France - Middle Ages; Crusades - The First Crusade - 1096/1099
Position: MT/B-2224 UDC: 944
Series: Les Classiques de L'Histoire de France au Moyen Âge

8. Achtemeier, Paul J.
1 Peter: A Commentary on First Peter / by Paul J. Achtemeier; Edited by Eldon Jay Epp
Fortress Press, 1996, Minneapolis , (carte) xxxvi, 424 p., ISBN 0-8006-6030-7
Topics (ro): religie crestina - Biblia - Noul Testament - exegeza biblica; Noul Testament - scrisorile apostolilor - Prima Epistola a Apostolului Petru, I - comentarii
Topics (en): Christian religion - Bible, the - New Testament, the - Biblical exegesis; New Testament, the - apostolic epistles, letters - Letter of Apostel Peter, 1st - commentaries
Position: G.1r0.1-HER (6) UDC: 227.014
Series: Hermeneia - A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Afanassieff, R.P.N.; Koulomzine, N.; Meyendorff, R.P.J.; Schmemann, R.P.A.
La primauté de Pierre dans l'Église Orthodoxe/ N. Afanassieff, N. Koulomzine, J. Meyendorff, A. Schmemann
Delachaux & Nistlé, 1960, Neuchâtel , (carte) 152p.
Topics (ro): Petru, sf. - teologie bizantina; crestinism - ortodoxie; ecleziologie ortodoxa - primat - Petru, sf.
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/G-535 UDC: 281.9
Series: Bibliothèque Orthodoxe

10. Batiffol, Pierre [ preot si teolog catolic francez, 1861-1929]
Études d'histoire et de théologie positive, Première série: La discipline de l'arcane, Les origins de la penitence, la hiérarchie primitive, l'Agape/ Pierre Batiffol
Librairie Victor Lecoffre, J Gabalda & Cie, 1926, Paris , (carte) xxvii, 368p.
Topics (ro): teologie pozitivs - disciplina arcanei; penitenta - origini; ierarhia primitiva; agape; istoria crestinismului
Topics (en): positive theology - discipline of the arcane; penitence - origins; primary hierarchy; agape; history of Christianity
Position: MT/B-1342 UDC: 282

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