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1. *
Istorii si ideologii: Filarmonica din Bucuresti (1868-2018): studii, interviuri, documente/ volum coordonat de Valentina Sandu-Dediu; autori: Valentina Sandu-Dediu, Elena Zottoviceanu, Cristina Sarbu, Ioana Marghita; colaboratori: Desiela Ion, Benedicta Pavel, Vlad Ghinea
Editura Universitatii Nationale de Muzica, 2023, Bucuresti , (carte) 633p: il., ISBN 978-606-659-148-5
Topics (ro): muzica- Romania - Filarmonica din Bucuresti - 1868-2018; muzica - Ateneul Roman - concerte - 1868-2018
Topics (en): music - Romania - Bucharest Philarmonic - 1868-2018; music - Romanian Atheneum - performances - 1868-2018
Position: Vuf-SAN UDC: 78(498)''1868-2018''
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. *
Roumanie: crise et répression 1977-1982: un dossier de L'Alternative = Romania: criza si represiune: dosar al revistei L'Alternative / editie ingrijita de Raluca Lazaravici Veres; traducere de Raluca Lazarovici Veres si Florina Dometi; prefata de Adrian Niculescu
Ratio et Revelatio, 2023, Oradea , (carte) [272]p.: il., ISBN 978-606-9659-94-6
Topics (ro): istorie - Romania - 1977-1982; Romania - totalitarism - comunism - represiune comunista - 1977-1982
Topics (en): history - Romania - 1977-1982; Romania - totalitarianism - Communism - communist repression - 1977-1982
Position: Vh.62-ROU UDC: 94(498)''1977/1982''
Series: Historia
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
Dincolo de oras=Beyond the city / editori: Cosmina Goagea, Constantin Goagea, Stefan Ghenciulescu, Cosmin Caciuc
Editura Universitara in Mincu; Asociatia Zeppelin, 2013, Bucuresti , (carte) 208p.: il., fig., ISBN 978-606-638-076-8
Topics (ro): arhitectura populara - Romania - sec.XX/XXI - restaurare - reconstructie
Topics (en): folk architecture - Romania - 20th/21st c. - restauration - rebuilding
Position: Vua-GOA UDC: 72(498)''19/20''
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
The Modern Theologians: an introduction to Christian theology in the twentieth century / edited by David F. Ford
Blackwell Publishers, 1997, Oxford , (carte) XVIV, 772 p., ISBN 0-631-19592-0
Topics (ro): teologie postliberala; escatologie; crestinism - teologie romano-catolica; teologie doctrinala - istorie - sec.XX; teologie crestina moderna; etica teologica; teologie biblica - hermeneutica; ecumenism; teologia in relatie cu arta si stiinta
Topics (en): theology, post-liberal; eschatology; Christianity / Christianism - Roman Catholic theology; doctrinal theology - history - 20th century; modern Christian theology; theological ethics; Biblical theology - hermeneutics; ecumenism; theology related to art an
Position: G.1r52e-FORD UDC: 261.6"19"
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Spiritualitate transilvana si istorie europeana = Transylvanian Spirituality and European History/ Editori = Edited by Iacob Mârza & Ana Dumitran
Muzeul National al Unirii, 1999, Alba Iulia , (carte) 534p., ISBN 973-4-00681-4
Topics (ro): viata cotidiana - Transilvania - sec.XVIII; iluminism - Transilvania; biserica romano-catolica - Transilvania; biserica greco-catolica - Transilvania; religie - civilizatie rurala - Transilvania - sec.XVIII; relatii interconfesionale - Transilvania
Topics (en): everyday life - Transylvania - 18th century; Enlightenment - Transylvania; Roman Catholic Church, the - Transylvania; Greek United Church - Transylvania; religion - rural civilization - Transylvania - 18th century; interconfessional relations - Transylvan
Position: Vh.46-MAR UDC: 27/28 (498.4)
Series: Bibliotheca Musei Apulensis; X
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. *
Pouvoirs et mentalités/ Textes réunis par Laurentiu Vlad à la mémoire du Professeur Alexandru Dutu
Editions Babel, 1999, Bucarest , (carte) 476p., ISBN 973-48-1047-2
Topics (ro): politica - putere - mentalitati; omagiu - Dutu, Alexandru; istorie - România - Europa
Topics (en): politics - power - mentalities; in the honour of - Dutu, Alexandru; history - Romania - Europe
Position: H.141-VLA UDC: 32
Series: Studia politica/ Université de Bucarest. Faculté des Sciences Politiques et Administratives. Centr
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. *
Constructia simbolica a cimpului electoral / Ioan Dragan [etc.]; Prefata de Nicolas Pelissier
Institutul European, 1998, Bucuresti , (carte) 496p., ISBN 973-586-128-3
Topics (ro): campanie electorala - România - 1996; electorat - România - 1996; comunicare electorala; retorica electorala - campanie prezidentiala - România - 1996; mass media - campanie electorala - România - 1996; sondaje de opinie - campanie electorala
Topics (en): electoral campaign ( elections) - Romania - 1996; electorate - Romania - 1996; electoral communication; electoral rhetoric - presidential campaign - Romania - 1996; mass media - electoral campaign ( elections) - Romania - 1996; - electoral campaign ( elec
Position: Vl-DRA UDC: 324(498)"1996"
Series: Universitaria; 4
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

8. *
Invatamintul românesc azi: studiu de diagnoza / Adrian Miroiu (coordonator), Vladimir Pasti, Gabriel Ivan, Mihaela Miroiu, Cornel Codita; cuvint inainte de Andrei Marga
Polirom, 1998, Iasi , (carte) 196p., ISBN 973-683-137-X
Topics (ro): invatamint - Romania - 1990-1998
Topics (en): education - Romania - 1990-1998
Position: B-MIR (2) UDC: 37(498)"1990/..."
Series: Collegium. Psihologie. Stiintele educatiei; 64
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. *
Vom muri si vom fi liberi/ Irina Nicolau, Speranta Radulescu, Ioana Popescu [etc.]
Meridiane, 1990, Bucuresti , (carte) 344p., ISBN 973-33-01112-4
Topics (ro): revolutie - România - 1989; anticomunism - România - 1989
Topics (en): revolution - Romania - 1989; anticommunism - Romania - 1989
Position: B-NICO (1)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. *
Copiii din România despre drepturile omului : Albumul copiilor = Romanian Children about Human Rights : Children's album/ [ingrijitor: Dakmara Georgescu]
Institutul de Stiinte ale Educatiei, 1996, Bucuresti , (carte) 39p.
Topics (ro): drepturile omului - România; desene - copii - drepturile omului - România
Topics (en): human rights - Romania; drawings - children - human rights - Romania
Position: B-GEO (2) UDC: 34

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