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1. *
Pathos, Affekt, Gefühl: Philosophische Beiträge/ von Karl Albert, Martin Bauer, Karl Bormann, Ingrid Craemer-Ruegenberg, P. Willehad Paul Eckert O.P., Philippe Forget, Ursula Franke, Hans-Günther Heimbrock, Klaus Jacobi, Clemens Kopp, Fritz Paepcke, Peter Steinacker, Hubertus Tellenbach, Markus H. Wörner; Hrsg. von Ingrid Craemer-Ruegenberg
Verlag Karl Alber, 1981, Freiburg/ München , (carte) 374p., ISBN 3-495-47462-5
Topics (ro): psihologie - afecte; sentimente; pathos
Topics (en): psychology - affections/ emotions; feelings/ emotions; pathos
Position: D.0-CRA UDC: 159.9
Series: Alber-Broschur Philosophie
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Alonso, Amando
Materie si forma in poezie / Amado Alonso; in romaneste de Angela Teodorescu-Martin; prefata de Marin Zamfir
Univers, 1982, Bucuresti , (carte) 396 p.
Topics (ro): teoria literaturii; poezie - sentiment si intuitie; lirica - clasici - romantici - suprarealisti; poezie - Lope de Vega; literatura spaniola - Cervantes, Miguel Rodrigo; naratologie - Borges, Luis
Topics (en): literary theory; poetry - feeling and intuition; lyrical poetry - classics - romanticists - surrealists; poetry - Lope de Vega; Spanish literature - CFervantes, Miguel Rodrigo; narratology - Borges, Luis
Position: T.2-AMA UDC: 82.0-1

3. Bennett, Jill
Empathic Vision: Affect, Trauma, and Contemporary Art/ Jill Bennett
Stanford University Press, 2005, Stanford, California , (carte) 192p., ISBN 0-8047-5171-4
Topics (ro): empatie - afect - trauma - arta contemporana; iconografie - sentimente; violenta in arta; arta si psihologie
Topics (en): empathy - affect - trauma - contemporary art; iconography - feelings; violence in art; art and psychology
Position: U.02-BEN UDC: 7.041.9"19"
Series: Cultural Memory in the Present/ Mieke Bal and Hent de Vries, Editeurs
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. Bourdieu, Pierre
The Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field / Pierre Bourdieu; translated by Susan Emanuel
Polity Press, 1996, Cambridge - Oxford , (carte) xx, 410 p., ISBN 0-7456-1152-4
Topics (ro): critica literara - structuralism; critica literara - Flaubert, Gustave - Educatia sentimentala; genuri literare - particularitati; opera de arta - metode; estetica - arta si literatura
Topics (en): literary criticism - structuralism; literary criticism - Flaubert, Gustave - Sentimental Education; literary genres - particularities; art work - methods; aesthetics - art and literature
Position: L.2-BOU UDC: 82:111.852+7.01
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. Bredekamp, Horst; Lauschke, Marion; Arteaga, Alex [Eds.]; Recki, Birgit; Möckel, Christian; Rosengren, Mats; Stjernfelt, Frederik; Pape, Helmut; [...]
Bodies in Action and Symbolic Forms: Zwei Seiten der Verkörperungstheorie/ Herausgegeben von Horst Bredekamp, Marion Lauschke und Alex Arteaga
Akademie Verlag GmbH, 2012, Berlin , (carte) xvi, 313p., ISBN 978-3-05-006140-5
Topics (ro): studii culturale - studii vizuale; corp - corpuri - actiune - forma simbolica; corp si intrupare; Cassirer, Ernst - corp - sentiment - simbol; semiotica - materialitatea semnului - Peirce, C. S.
Topics (en): cultural studies - visual studies; body - bodies - action - symbolic form; body and embodiment; Cassirer, Ernst - body - emotion - symbol; semiotics - the materiality of the sign - Peirce, C. S.
Position: Se-AEI (9) UDC: 7.01
Series: Actus et Imago: Berliner Schriften für Bildaktforschung und Verkörperungsphilosophie; 9
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. Brentano, Franz Clemens (1838 - 1917)
Psychologie, Band III: Vom sinnlichen und noetischen Bewusstsein, I. Teil: Wahrnehmung/ Empfindung/ Begriff/ Franz Brentano; mit ausführlicher Einleitung u. Anmerkungen hrsg. von Oskar Kraus
Verlag von Felix Meiner, 1928, Leipzig , (carte) XLVIII, 194p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - constiinta; filosofie - psihologie - Brentano, Franz Clemens (1838 - 1917); perceptie - sentiment - concept
Topics (en): psychology - conscience; philosophy - psychology - Brentano, Franz Clemens, 1838-1917 -; perception - feeling/ sentiment - concept, the
Position: CP-24 UDC: 159.9Brentano, Franz
Series: Die Philosophische Bibliothek; Bd.207

7. Brentano, Franz Clemens (1838 - 1917)
Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkt, zweiter Band: Von der Klassifikation der psychischen Phänomene/ Franz Brentano; mit ausführlicher Einleitung, Anmerkungen u. Register hrsg. von Oskar Kraus
Verlag von Felix Meiner, 1925, Leipzig , (carte) XXIII, 338p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - psihologie - Brentano, Franz Clemens (1838 - 1917); fenomene psihice - clasificare; reprezentare - judecata; iubire - ura; sentiment - vointa - dorinta; constiinta
Topics (en): philosophy - psychology - Brentano, Franz Clemens, 1838-1917 -; psychical phenomena - classification; representation - judgment; love - hate/ hatred; feeling/ sentiment - will - desire; conscience
Position: CP-26 UDC: 159.9
Series: Die Philosophische Bibliothek; Bd.193

8. Buchwald, Jed Z.; Daston, Lorraine; Feldhay, Rivka; Goldstein, Jan; Jorland, Gérard; Kaufmann, Doris; Latour, Bruno; Porter, Theodore M.; Rheinberger, Hans-Jörg; Sahlins, Marshall; Wagner, Peter
Biographies of Scientific Objects / Edited by Lorraine Daston
The University of Chicago Press, 2000, Chicago and London , (carte) x, 308 p., ISBN 0-226-13672-8 (pbk)
Topics (ro): teoria cunoasterii - epistemologie; stiinta - filosofie; stiinta - istorie; discurs stiintific - entitati matematice; constiinta de sine - visuri; teoria valorilor in economie; pesimism sentimental - experienta etnografica; managementul mortalitatii; part
Topics (en): theory of knowledge - epistemology; science - philosophy; science - history; scientific discourse - mathematical entities; self-awareness - dreams; theory of values in economics; sentimental pessimism - ethnographical experience; management of mortality;
Position: B.0-DAS UDC: 121
Series: Science / History
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

9. Burloud, Albert [ psiholog francez, 1888-1954]
Précis de psychologie/ par Albert Burloud
Classiques Hachette, 1952, Paris , (carte) 183p.
Topics (ro): psihologie - obiect si metode; instinct; obicei; reflex; placere si durere; emotie; sentiment; pasiune; senzatie; perceptie; memorie; imagine; atentie; concept; judecata; ratiune; personalitate; caracter; constient si inconstient
Topics (en): psychology - object and methods; instinct; habit; reflex; pleasure and pain; emotion; feeling; passion; sensation; perception; memory; image; attention; concept; judgment; reason; personality; character; conscious and unconscious
Position: MT/A-3749 UDC: 159.9
Series: Cours de psychologie

10. Burney, Pierre
L'amour/ par Pierre Burney
Presses universitaires de France, 1973, Paris , (carte) 128p.
Topics (ro): filosofie - etica - relatii de gen; istorie - sentimente - iubire
Topics (en): philosophy - ethics - gender relations; history - feelings - love
Position: MT/A-190 UDC: 1
Series: Que sais-je ?; 1508

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