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1. *
Le Maître spirituel dans les grandes traditions d'Occident et d'Orient: Egypte, antiquité grecque et latine, judaisme, christianisme, Islam, brahmanisme, tantrisme, bouddhisme, taoisme/ François Daumas [etc.]
Les Amis d'Hermès, 1966/1967, Paris , (carte) 304 p.
Topics (ro): mitologie greco-latina; teologie ascetica si mistica - maestri spirituali - Orient - Occident; istoria religiilor - studii; iudaism; crestinism; islam; brahmanism; tantrism; budism; taoism
Topics (en): Greco-Roman mythology; ascetic and mystical theology - spiritual masters - East, the - West, the; history of religions - studies; Judaism; Christianity / Christianism; Islam; Brahmanism ( Brahminism); Tantrism; Buddhism; Taoism
Position: G.01-HER (4); AS/H-5 UDC: 291.6
Series: Hermès: Recherches sur l'expérience spirituelle; 4

2. *
The Secret of the Golden Flower: A Chinese Book of Life/ Translated and explained by Richard Wilhelm; Commentary by C.G. Jung
Causeway Books, 1975, New York , (carte) xix, 151p., ISBN 0-88356-036-4
Topics (ro): filosofie chineza; taoism - psihologie occidentala; yoga chineza; cosmologie; spirit primordial - constiinta - lumina; protectia centrului; Tao - miscare circulara - centru; animus - anima; mandala; dezintegrarea constiintei
Topics (en): Chinese philosophy; Taoism - Western psychology; Chinese Yoga; cosmology; primordial spirit - conscience - light, the; protection of the centre; Tao - circular motion - centre; animus - anima; mandala; conscience desintegration
Position: AS/C-7 UDC: 299.513:1(51)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

3. *
The Encyclopedia of Eastern Philosophy and Religion: Buddhism. Hinduism. Taoism. Zen / editors: Stephan Schuhmacher, Gert Woerner; translators: Michael H. Kohn, Karen Ready, Werner Wünsche; Copy editors: Susan Kron, Michael K. Lane; Bibliography: Timothy Lubin; Editorial Assistance: David R. O'Neal
Shambhala, 1994, Boston , (dictionar) xvi, 468 p., ISBN 0-87773-980-3
Topics (ro): filosofie orientala - dictionar; Asia - religie - dictionar; budism; hinduism; taoism; zen
Topics (en): Eastern philosophy - dictionary; Asia - religion - dictionary; Buddhism; Hinduism; Taoism; Zen
Position: A.11-SCH * UDC: 294+299.5(038)
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

4. *
Dictionnaire de la Civilisation chinoise / préface de Jacques Gernet
Encyclopaedia Universalis & Albin Michel, 1998, Paris , (dictionar) 924 p., ISBN 2-226-10092-X
Topics (ro): arta chineza - dictionar; religie - confucianism - taoism - China - dictionar; istorie - China; cultura - China - dictionar; civilizatie chineza - dictionar; stiinta si tehnica - China - dictionar; medicina chineza - dictionar
Topics (en): Chinese art - dictionary; religion - Confucianism - Taoism - China - dictionary; history - China; culture - China - dictionary; Chinese civizilation - dictionary; science and technique - China - dictionary; Chinese medicine - dictionary
Position: H.0a-GER UDC: 930.18(510)(038)
Series: Encyclopaedia Universalis
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

5. *
Philosophes taoïstes II: Huainan Zi / Texte traduit, présenté et annoté sous la direction de Charles le Blanc et de Rémi Mathieu
Gallimard, 2003, Paris , (carte) lxxxvi, 1182 p., ISBN 2-07-011424-4
Topics (ro): filosofie taoista - daoism - Huainan zi - China (Sud); religie - China - taoism
Topics (en): Taoist philosophy - Daoism - Huainan Zi - South China; religion - China - Taoism
Position: G.1f3-HUA UDC: 299.513
Series: Bibliothèque de la Pléiade; 94
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

6. *
Lao Zi si Confucius / Traducere din limba chineza veche, studii introductive, comentarii si note de Mira si Constantin Lupeanu
Editura Qilinul din Jad, 1997, Bucuresti , (carte) 382 p., ISBN 073-95133-8-7
Topics (ro): religie - taoism; religie - confucianism
Topics (en): religion - Taoism; religion - Confucianism
Position: G.1f2-LUP UDC: 299.5
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

7. *
The Sacred Books of China: The texts of Taoism, Part 1: The Tao The King. The writins of Kwang-Ze, Books I-XVII/ translated by James Legge
Motilal Banarsidass, 1966, Delhi , (carte) xxii, 396p.
Topics (ro): taoism - China - Tao-te-King; taxte sacre fundamentale - China
Topics (en): Taoism - China - Tao-te-King; sacred fundamental taxes - China
Position: MT/B-457 UDC: 299.15
Series: Sacred Books of the East Series in 50 volumes; 3

8. Benoist, Luc
L'Ésotérisme / par Luc Benoist
Presses Universitaires de France, 1975, Paris , (carte) 128 p.
Topics (ro): ezoterism; simbolism; intuitie, ratiune, intelect; initiere - mistere; misticism si magie; traditia hindusa; budism; taoism chinez; budism zen; traditia ebraica; traditia islamica; ezoterism crestin; isihasm ortodox; templieri; cosmologie ermetica
Topics (en): -
Position: AS/E-64 UDC: 133:2
Series: «Que sais-je?»; no. 1031

9. Bhattacharyya, Narendra Nath
History of the Tantric Religion: An Historical, Ritualistic and Philosophical Study/ N. N. Bhattacharyya
Manohar, 2005, New Delhi , (carte) 483p., ISBN 81-7304-650-6
Topics (ro): religie tantrica - istorie; religii indiene - tantra; Veda si tantra; alchimie tantrica - revitalizarea corpului; literatura tantrica - tantre budiste; influenta chineza - taoism si tantra; sistemul religios indian - tantrism
Topics (en): Tantric religion - history; Indian religions - Tantras; Veda and Tantra; Tantric alchemy - revitalizing the body; tantric literature - Buddhist Tantras; Chinese influence - Taoism and Tantra; Indian religious system - Tantrism
Position: G.1d2/.1d3-BHA UDC: 294.5
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

10. Blofeld, John [ scriitor britanic despre gindirea si religia asiatica, 1913-1987]
Taoisme: La quête de l'immortalité/ John Blofeld; Traduit de l'anglais par Ghislaine Berger
Éditions Dangles, 1982, St. Jean de Braye , (carte) 233, [7]p., ISBN 2-7033-0236-3, ISSN 0397-4197
Topics (ro): filosofie si religie chineza - taoism - cautarea nemuririi
Topics (en): Chinese philosophy and religion - Taoism - the quest for immortality
Position: MT/B463 UDC: 299.15
Series: Horizons spirituels
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

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