Cercuri în apa = Circles in the water / un atelier cu Andrei Serban povestit de Tania Radu = a workshop with Andrei Serban told by Tania Radu; ed.: Stefania Ferchedau
Asociatia ECUMEST, 2005, Bucuresti
, (carte) 200 p., ISBN 973-87413-0-0
Topics (ro): arta teatrala - Serban, Andrei, regizor - biografie; teatru - opera - spectacole - Serban, Angrei, regizor Topics (en): dramatic art - Serban, Andrei, stage manager - biography; theatre - opera - performances - Serban, Andrei, stage manager | | Position: Vud-SER
UDC: 792(498) Serban, A.
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC |