New Europe College

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1. Chase, Jefferson S.
Inciting Laughter: The Development of "Jewish Humor" in 19th Century German Culture/ Jefferson S. Chase
Walter de Gruyter, 2000, Berlin, New York , (carte) viii, 330 p., ISBN 3-11-016299-7
Topics (ro): studii literare - cultura germana - sec.XIX; literatura germana - teoria umorului - "umor evreiesc" ; Judenwitz
Topics (en): literary studies - German culture - 19th c.; German literature - humour theory - "Jewish humor"; Judenwitz
Position: T.3-CHA UDC: 821.112.2
Series: European Culture: Studies in Literature and the Arts, Vol.12/ Edited by Walter Pape
Reviews: Google, Amazon (UK,DE,FR), Barnes&Noble, BibNat, BCU, WorldCat, LOC

2. Lipps, Theodor [ filosof si psiholog german, reprezentant al psihologismului german, 1851-1914]
Estetica: Psihologia frumosului si a artei, Partea I: Bazele esteticii, Volumul II/ Theodor Lipps; Traducere de Grigore Popa; Prefata de Victor Ernest Masek
Editura Meridiane, 1987, Bucuresti , (carte) 333p.
Topics (ro): estetica; ritmul; ritmul si rima; culoare - ton - cuvint; sublimul; uritul; sentimente estetice; tragicul; comicul; umorul
Topics (en): aesthetics; rhythm; rhythm and rhyme; color - tone - word; sublime; ugly; aesthetic feelings; tragic; comic; humor
Position: MT/A-3262 UDC: 118.85(09); 7.01(09)
Series: Biblioteca de arta; 457. Arta si gindire

3. Volkelt, Johannes [ filosof german, 1848-1930]
System der Ästhetik, Zweiter Band/ von Johannes Volkelt
C. H. Beck'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung Oskar Beck, 1925, München , (carte) xx, 589, [3]p.
Topics (ro): estetica - sistemul esteticii; estetica artei; sublimul; tragicul ; esteticul senzorial; esteticul spiritual; comicul; umorul; gluma; uritul
Topics (en): aesrhetics - system of aesthetics; art aesthetics; sublime; tragic; sensorial aesthetic; spiritual aesthetic; comic; humor; joke; ugly
Position: MT/A-3220 UDC: 118.85(09); 7.01(09); 82.01