New Europe College

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1. Görres, Joseph [ Johann Joseph von Görres, scriitor, filosof, istoric, teolog german, 1776-1848]
La Mystique Divine naturelle et diabolique, Tome II: Première Partie: La Mystique Divine/ par Görres; ouvrage traduit de l'allemand par M. Charles Sainte-Foi
Librairie de Mme Ve Pussielgue-Rusand, 1862, Paris , (carte) 414p.
Topics (ro): mistica divina; mistica naturala - mistica religioasa; teologia mistica; sfintii si misticismul; extaz mistic; aparitia stigmatelor; zborul in extaz; actiunea la distanta
Topics (en): divine mysticism; natural mysticism - religious mysticism; mystical theology; saints and mysticism; mystical ecstasy; occurrence of stigmata; ecstatic flight; remote action
Position: MT/A-3310 UDC: 133: 23