The Sociology of Religion/ by Max Weber; Translated by Ephraim Fischoff; Introduction by Talcott Parsons
Beacon Press, 1968, Boston
, (carte) lxvii, 304p.
Topics (ro): istoria religiilor - sociologia religiei; zei - magicieni - preoti; etica religiilor; tabu; Dumnezeu; profet; congregatii religioase; clase - caste - religie; intelectualism - istoria religiilor; ascetism; misticism; soteriologie Topics (en): history of religions - sociology of religion; gods - magicians - priests; ethics of religions; taboo; God; Prophet, The; religious congregations; classes - castes - religion; intellectualism - history of religions; asceticism; mysticism; soteriology | | Position: AS/H-19
UDC: 291
Series: Beacon Series in the Sociology of Politics and Religion |
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