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Author(s):Durant, Will
Title:The Story of Civilization: Part I: Our Oriental Heritage / By Will Durant
Other title:-
Expl. Title:Being a history of civilization in Egypt and the Near East to the death of Alexander, and in India, China and Japon from the beginning to our own day; with an introduction on the nature of foundations of civilization
Orig. Title:-
Topics (ro):istorie culturala - antichitate - Orient; istorie culturala - preistorie; istoria civilizatiei antice - Orient - Egiptul antic - Orientul Mijlociu - India - China - Japonia; arta antica orientala; istorie sociala - Orientul antic
Subiecte (en):cultural history - antiquity - East, the; cultural history - prehistory; history of ancient civilization - East, the - ancient Egypt - Middle East - India - China - Japan; East ancient art; social history - ancient East
Existing copies:
Nr. crt.Nr. inv.Vol / Nr / AnSubtitleCopy status
19593 / / In library
Publisher:Simon and Schuster
Published in:1954Location:New YorkEdition:-
ISBN:-ISSN:-Position:H.0a-DUR (1)
Bibliogr:p. 945-955
Pages:1052 p. + 32 pl.
Illustrations:32 pl. alb-negru
Index Glosar-