New Europe College

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Author(s):Kammen, Michael: Morrison, Karl F.; McNeil, William H.; Curtin, Philip D.; keddie, Nikki R.; Hall, John Whiyney; Gibson, Charles; Stearns, Peter N.; Bogue, Allan G.; Brody, David; [...]
Title:The Past Before Us: Contemporary Historical Writing in the United States/ Edited for the American Historical Association by Michael Kammen; Foreword by John Hope Franklin
Other title:-
Expl. Title:Prepared for presentation on the occasion of the fifteenth International Congress of Historical Sciences, held in Bucharest, Romania, August 1980
Orig. Title:-
Topics (ro):istoriografie - SUA - congres; medievalism american - SUA; inceputul Europei moderne; istorie europeana moderna; istorie africana; istorie musulmana - Orientul Mijlociu; istoria Asiei; istorie sociala; istorie politica; istorie intelectuala si culturala
Subiecte (en):Historiography - USA - Congress; American medievalism - USA; early modern Europe; modern European history; African history; Muslim history - Middle East; Asian history; social history; political history; intellectual and cultural history
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111369 / / In library
Publisher:Cornell University Press
Published in:1980Location:Ithaca and LondonEdition:-
Bibliogr:in notele de subsol
Editor:American Historical Association
Prefatator:Franklin John Hope