New Europe College

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Author(s):Deyanov, Stilyan; Georgieva, Gergana; Dimitrova, Svetlana; Fisne, Mustafa; Grigorov, Dimitar; Hromadzic, Hajrudin; Ivanova, Miglena; Nicolov, Angel; Sabev, Orlin (Orhan Salih); Spasov, Malmir; Vezenkov, Alexander
Title:New Europe College Regional Program: Yearbook 2003-2004, 2004-2005: Constantin Noica et L'europe/ Stilyan Deyanov; Ottoman Modernization/ Europeanization - A Case That Does Not Fit the Definitions (Study on Ottoman Administrative Reforms)/ Gergana Georgieva; A la recherche de l'intellectuel après sa mort préconisée. Notes sur les Think-Thanks et les prises de position en Bulgarie < Post-Communiste>/ Svetlana Dimitrova; The Difficulties Faced by Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey on Their Way to EU Membership/ Mustafa Fisne; Tito and Ceausescu: From Idols to Scapegoats (and Back Again?)/ Dimitar Grigorov; The Hypertextual Coauthor in the Framework of the Subject/ Object Dichotomy: Epistemological Rethinking of the Theory of Hypertext/ Hajrudin Hromadzic; Visibility and Invisibility: Graffiti Murals as an Indicator of Growing Global Cultural Influences in Post-Socialist Bulgaria/ Miglena Ivanova; Medieval Slavonic Anti-Catholic Texts fron the Manuscript Collection of the Romanian Academy/ Angel Nicolov; Formation of Ottoman Print Culture (1726-1746) Some General Remarks/ Orlin Sabev (Orhan Salih); Single White Male; Education: University Degree; Mentallyhealthy; Nationality: European/ Malamir Spasov; The System of Nomenklatura: the Case of the Bulgarian Communist Party (1944-1989)/ Alexander Vezenkov; Edited by New Europe College
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Topics (ro):reforme administrative otomane - modernizare - europenizare; Noica Constantin ; intelectuali - Bulgaria - postcomunism; România - Bulgaria - Turcia - UE; Tito si Ceausescu; teoria hipertextului; grafitti; sistemul nomenclaturii
Subiecte (en):Ottoman administrative reforms - modernization - Europeanization; Noica Constantin; intellectuals - Bulgaria - post-communism; Romania - Bulgaria - Turkey - EU; Tito and Ceausescu; theory of hypertext; grafitti; system of nomenklatura
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1P-3581 / / In library
Publisher:New Europe College
Published in:2007Location:BucurestiEdition:-
ISBN:-ISSN:1584-0298Position:anuar NEC
Series:NEC Publications Series: New Europe College Yearbook
Bibliogr:in note la sfarsitul fiecarui articol
Editor:Vainovski-Mihai Irina