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Author(s):Baindurashvili, Kaha; Boboc, Cristina; Byl, Vital; Cojocaru, Olga; Melashvili, Tamta; Ohanjanyan, Anna; Rotaru, Vasile
Title:New Europe College Yearbook: Pontica Magna Program 2018-2019: The SMES development constraints in transitional and developing countries: Georgia & Romania/ Kaha Baindurashvili; State-led modernization and middle class subjectivities in post-soviet Azerbaijan/ Cristina Boboc; The other witch: ethnic minorities and witchcraft accusations in the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania/ Vital Byl; On Permanent migrant temporariness: the case of Moldovans in Italy/ Olga Cojocaru; Women of the Gulag in Liziko Kavtaradze's memoir: 'wives', urkas and political prisoners / Tamta Melashvili; Narratives of the Armenian polemics with the Muslims from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries/ Anna Ohanjanyan; 'Mimicking' the west? Russia's legitimization discourse from Georgia war to the annexation of Crimea/ Vasile Rotaru; [editor: Irina Vainovski-Mihai]
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Topics (ro):economie de tranzitie - IMM-uri - Georgia - Romania; Marele Ducat al Lituaniei - minoritati etnice - vrajitorie; Azerbaijan - modenizare - europenizare; Republica Moldova - migratia fortei de munca
Subiecte (en):transitional economy - SMES - Georgia - Romania; Grand Dutchy of Lithuania - ethnic minorities - witchcraft; Azerbaijan - mloderinization - Europeanization; Republic of Moldova, the - labour migration
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1P-6146 / / In library
Publisher:New Europe College
Published in:2021Location:BucharestEdition:-
ISBN:-ISSN:1584-0298Position:anuar NEC
Series:NEC Publications Series: New Europe College Yearbook
Bibliogr:la sfarsitul capitolelor
Pages:202p.: tab., portr.