New Europe College

Library statistics

Nr. crt.Nr. imprum.Titlu
1.52English-Romanian Dictionary = Dictionar Englez-Român / Leon Levitchi
2.51Dictionar englez-român / Leon Levitchi, Andrei Bantas
3.48[Works, Volume III:] Birds; Lysistrata; Women at the Thesmophoria/ Aristophanes; edited and translated by Jeffrey Henderson
4.44Art of the Postmodern Era : From the Late 1960s to the Early 1990s/ Irving Sandler
5.44English-Romanian Dictionary = Dictionar Englez-Român / Leon Levitchi
6.44Visual Methodologies: An Introduction to the Interpretation of Visual Materials / Gillian Rose
7.40The Moment of Self-Portraiture in German Renaissance Art / Joseph Leo Koerner
8.39Diagram Diaries / Peter Eisenman; introduction by R. E. Somol
9.38The Postmodern History Reader/ Edited by Keith Jenkins
10.36Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century Italy: A primer in the social history of pictorial style / Michael Baxandall
11.36Dictionar francez-român / Elena Gorunescu
12.36Reading Images / edited by Julia Thomas
13.36Theories of Art: [in three volumes], Volume 1: From Plato to Winckelmann/ Moshe Barasch
14.35Modernism as a Philosophical Problem: On the Dissatisfactions of European High Culture / Robert B. Pippin
15.34A Greek-English Lexicon: with a Revised Supplement 1996/ compiled by Henry Heorge Liddell and Robert Scott; Suppl. ed. by P.G.W. Glare; with the assistence of A.A. Thompson
16.34Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture / Marita Sturken and Lisa Cartwright
17.34The Artist's Body / [ Edited by] Tracey Warr; Survey by Amelia Jones
18.34[Plays], Volume V: Helen, Phoenician Women, Orestes/ Euripides; edited and translated by David Kovacs
19.33From Ritual to Theatre: The Human Seriousness of Play/ Victor Turner
20.32Magic in the Ancient World/ Fritz Graf; Translated by Franklin Philip
21.32Urban Culture: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies. Volume I / Edited by Chris Jenks
22.31The Photography Reader / Edited by Liz Wells
23.30Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition/ Frances A. Yates
24.30A New Handbook of Political Science/ edited by Robert E. Goodin and Hans-Dieter Klingemann
25.30The Language of Twentieth-Century Art: A Conceptual History / Paul Crowther
26.30Cosimo de' Medici and the Florentine Renaissance: The Patron's Oeuvre / Dale Kent
27.30Byzantine Philosophy and its Ancient Sources / edited by Katerina Ierodiakonou
28.29Balkan as Metaphor: Between Globalization and Fragmentation/ Edited by Dusan I. Bjelic and Obrad Savic
29.29Renaissance Self-Portraiture: The Visual Construction of Identity and the Social Status of the Artist / Joanna Woods-Marsden
30.29A Guide to the Zohar / Arthur Green
31.27Experiment în arta româneasca dupa 1960: A patra expozitie org. de CSAC, Bucuresti noiembrie 1997, Cluj februarie 1997/ Centrul Soros pentru Arta Contemporana Bucuresti; curator: Alexandra Titu = Experiment in Romanian Art since 1960: the 4th exhibition org. by the SCCA, Bucharest november 1997, Cluj February 1997: Curator: Alexandra Titu
32.27Identities: Race, Class, Gender, and Nationality / Edited by Linda Martin Alcoff and Eduardo Mendieta
33.27Art History after Modernism / Hans Belting; Translated by Caroline Saltzwedel and Mitch Cohen; with additional translation by Kenneth Northcott
34.27L'image survivante: Histoire de l'art et temps des fantômes selon Aby Warburg/ Georges Didi-Huberman
35.26Dramas, Fields, and Metaphors: symbolic action in human society / Victor Turner
36.26Art in Theory, 1900-1990: An Anthology of Changing Ideas / edited by Charles Harrison and Paul Wood
37.26The Renewal of Pagan Antiquity: Contributions to the Cultural History of the European Renaissance / Aby Warburg; Introduction by Kurt W. Foster; translation by David Britt
38.26The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays / by Clifford Geertz
39.26Women in Italian Renaissance Art: Gender, Representation, Identity / Paola Tinagli
40.25The Reformation of the Twelfth Century / Giles Constable
41.25Patronage, Art, and Society in Renaissance Italy / edited by F. W. Kent and Patria Simons; with J. C. Eade
42.24Vision and Textuality / Edited by Stephen Melville and Bill Readings
43.24The Invention of Infinity: Mathematics and Art in the Renaissance/ J.V. Field
44.24The Cambridge History of Judaism. Vol. 2: The Hellenistic Age / edited by W. D. Davies, Louis Finkelstein; assistant editor: John Sturdy
45.24The Subjects of Art History: Historical Objects in Contemporary Perspectives / edited by Mark A. Cheetham, Michael Ann Holly, Keith Moxey
46.24The Place of Narrative: Mural Decoration in Italian Churches, 431-1600 / Marilyn Aronberg Lavin
47.24The Discovery of Pictorial Composition: Theories of Visual Order in Painting 1400-1800 / Thomas Puttfarken
48.23De la représentation/ Louis Marin; Recueil établi par Daniel Arasse [etc.]
49.23Teologie si imaginatie stiintifica din evul mediu pina in secolul al XVII-lea / Amos Funkenstein; traducere din engleza de Walter Fotescu; control stiintific al traducerii H.-R. Patapievici
50.23The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 12: Psychology and Alchemy/ C.G. Jung; Translated by R.F.C. Hull
51.23Architecture and Disjunction/ Bernard Tschumi
52.23Thinking about Exhibitions / Edited by Reesa Greenberg, Bruce W. Ferguson and Sandy Nairne
53.23Art in Theory, 1900-1990: An Anthology of Changing Ideas / edited by Charles Harrison and Paul Wood
54.23National Ideology Under Socialism: Identity and Cultural Politics in Ceausescu's Romania/ Katherine Verdery
55.23Dictionnaire français-roumain = Dictionar francez-român / Micaela Slavescu, Sanda Mihaescu-Cârsteanu, Iulia Giroveanu
56.23The Practice of Cultural Analysis: Exposing Interdisciplinarity Interpretation / Edited by Mieke Bal with the assistance of Bryan Gonzales
57.23The Oxford Bible Commentary / Edited by John Barton and John Muddiman
58.23The Cambridge Ancient History: Volume VI: The Fourth Century B.C./ Edited by D.M. Lewis, John Boardman, Simon Hornblower, M. Ostwald
59.23Septuaginta 1: Geneza, Exodul, Leviticul, Numerii, Deuteronomul / Volum coordonat de: Cristian Badilita, Francisca Baltaceanu, Monica Brosteanu, Dan Slusanschi; în colaborare cu pr. Ioan-Florin Florescu; cuv. înainte de Andrei Plesu; studiu introductiv de: Cristian Badilita, Monique Alexandre, Olivier Munnich, Francisca Baltaceanu si Monica Brosteanu; traducerea din lb. greaca de: Cristian Badilita, Ion Patrulescu, Eugen Munteanu, Mihai Moraru si Ioana Costa
60.23La divinisation de l'homme selon saint Maxime le Confesseur/ Jean-Claude Larchet
61.23Art After Modernism: Rethinking Representation/ Edited and with an Introduction by Brian Wallis; Foreword by Marcia Tucker
62.22Tropics of Discourse: Essays in Cultural Criticism/ Hayden White
63.22Body Criticism: Imaging the Unseen in Enlightenment Art and Medicine / Barbara Maria Stafford
64.22Philosophie et phénoménologie du corps. Essai sur l'ontologie biranienne / Michel Henry
65.22Likeness and Presence: A History of the Image before the Era of Art / Hans Belting; translated by Edmund Jephcott
66.22History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness / Lucian Boia; translated by James Christian Brown
67.22Central European Avant-gardes: Exchange and Transformation, 1910-1930 / Edited by Timothy O. Benson; With curatorial assistance by Monika Król; Preface by Péter Nádas; Essays by: Timothy O. Benson, Éva Forgács, Michael Henry Heim, Monika Król, Esther Levinger, Christina Lodder, S. A. Mansbach, Krisztina Passuth, Piotr Piotrowski, Derek Sayer, Anthony D. Smith, Karel Srp, Andrzej Turowski
68.22Dictionar român-ebraic, ebraic - român / Traducere: Cristiana Chiculescu, Madeea Axinciuc
69.22Performance Theory / Richard Schechner; Revised and expanded edition, with a new preface by the author
70.22The Idea of the Self: Thought and Experience in Western Europe since the Seventeenth Century / Jerrold Seigel
71.21Imagining the Balkans/ Maria Todorova
72.21Pictures of the Body: Pain and Metamorphosis / James Elkins
73.21Acts of Memory: Cultural Recall in the Present / edited by Mieke Bal, Jonathan Crewe, and Leo Spitzer
74.21Monastères de Moldavie: XIVe-XVIe siècles: Les Architectures de l'images / Anca Vasiliu; préface d'Olivier Clément; photographies: Sandu et Dinu Mendrea
75.21Venetian Colour: Marble, Mosaic, Painting and Glass 1250-1550 / Paul Hills
76.21The Architectural Treatise in the Italian Renaissance: Architectural Invention, Ornament, and Literary Culture/ Alina A. Payne
77.21The Birth of the Museum: History, theory, politics / Tony Bennett
78.20Patterns of Intention: On the Historical Explanation of Pictures/ Michael Baxandall
79.20Figural Realism: Studies in the Mimesis Effect / Hayden White
80.20Choral Works: Jacques Derrida and Peter Eisenman/ Edited by Jeffrey Kipnis and Thomas Leeser
81.20Histoire du christianisme des origines à nos jours; Tome V: Apogée de la paupauté et expansion de la chrétienté (1054-1274)/ sous la responsabilité de André Vauchez
82.20Titian's "Venus of Urbino" / edited by Rona Goffen
83.20Modern Art in Eastern Europe: from the Baltic to the Balkans ca. 1890 - 1939 / S. A. Mansbach
84.20Devant l'image: question posée aux fins d'une histoire de l'art / Georges Didi-Huberman
85.20The Challenge of the Avant-Garde / edited by Paul Wood
86.20Andrea Alciato and the Emblem Tradition: Essays in Honor of Virginia Woods Callahan / edited by Peter N. Daly
87.20Between Worlds: A Sourcebook of Central European Avant-gardes, 1910-1930 / Edited by Timothy O. Benson and Éva Forgács; Selected by: Timothy O. Benson, Éva Forgács, Michael Henry Heim, Krisztina Passuth, Piotr Piotrowski, Karel Srp, Irina Subotic, Ioana Vlasiu
88.20Theory and Methods in Political Science / Edited by David Marsh and Gerry Stoker
89.20Taranimea si puterea: Procesul de colectivizare a agriculturii în România (1949-1962) / Editori: Dorin Dobrincu, Constantin Iordachi; Cuvânt înainte de Gail Kligman si Katherine Verdery
90.19Modernity and Identity/ Edited by Scott Lash and Jonathan Friedman
91.19Postmodernism: Critical Concepts. Volume I: Foundational Essays / Edited by Victor E. Taylor and Charles E. Winquist
92.19Ce que nous voyons / Georges Didi-Huberman
93.19Meduse: Contribution à une anthropologie des arts du visuel / Jean Clair
94.19Compromis si rezistenta: Cultura româna sub Ceausescu/ Katherine Verdery; Traducere de Mona Antohi si Sorin Antohi
95.19The Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 13: Alchemical Studies/ C. G. Jung; Translated by R.F.C. Hull
96.19The Power of Images: Studies in the History and Theory of Response/ David Freedberg
97.19Balcanii si balcanismul / Maria Todorova; traducere din engleza de Mihaela Constantinescu si Sofia Oprescu
98.19Symboles de la Renaissance. Trosième volume: Arts et langage / travaux de D. Arasse, M. Brock, G. Didi-Huberman, [...]
99.19Memoria, istoria, uitarea / Paul Ricoeur; traducere de Ilie Gyurcsik si Margareta Gyurcsik
100.19Medieval Concepts of the Past: Ritual, Memory, Historiography / edited by Gerd Althoff, Johannes Fried, Patrick J. Geary